Media4Business - New Partner In Polish-Asian Chamber



Media4Business sp.z o.o. is the publisher of prestigious industry Magazines (B2B type), addressed to the highest level transport, logistics and production managers. By providing the latest information that is useful in everyday professional practice in these sectors, and informing in advance about the most important legal and financial, managers of these industries are preparing for the upcoming challenges along with reading the next editions: Transport Manager. Logistics Manager and Production Manager Magazines.

All titles have modern internet portals, mobile applications for mobile phones and the conferences for its readers.

Since 2013, M4B publishes the nationwide bimonthly Transport Manager Magazine (TM), supporting the owners and managers of medium and large companies dealing in road freight transport, freight forwarding and logistics in managing these enterprises. The TM editors organize 5 free conferences for the same group of managers every year. Once a year is organized the flagship two-day conference of this title - Transport and Logistics Managers’ Forum.

Since 2016, M4B publishes the bimonthly Production Manager Magazine (PM), addressed to the management of manufacturing companies and production-related processes. PM organize 4 conferences annually for their readers.

Since 2018, M4B publishes the bimonthly Logistics Manager Magazine (LM), dedicated to supply chain management. Its main target group are logistics managers employed in manufacturing, distribution and logistics companies. LM organize 4 conferences annually for their readers.

Ultimately, these and subsequent planned publishing projects are to combine all elements of broadly understood supply chain management in a synergy loop.