TÜV SÜD is a trusted partner of choice for safety, security and sustainability solutions. It specialises in testing, certification, auditing in the whole supply and production chain. The TÜV SÜD logo and certification marks represent third-party endorsement by aglobally renowned organisation, while our personnel certificates provide ourcustomers with greater market opportunities.
Thanks to over 150 years of experience in cooperation with industry, we are the foundation of trust, we focus on new technologies and innovative solutions for:
World-class experts
We provide to our clients knowledge, experience and support on the local, regional and global market. Our experts are experienced auditors and experts. Their many years of practice and experience allow us provide toclients with the best solutions.
We are 100% independent and impartial
The main motto of TÜV SÜD is independence and impartiality in solving all kinds of problems. This business model allows us to guarantee that all our activities are focused on strictly defined criteria: ensuring the highest standards of safety and quality.
We add value of our clients’ products and services
By identifying areas for improvement, we provide clients with comprehensive solutions to optimize the company’s potential, which allows organization of activities with maximum efficiency. Our TÜV SÜD certification marks are synonymous with quality and safety and can be an excellent marketing tool for our clients, while confirming the application of the highest standards.
We manage risk
We believe that it is best to prevent “before” than to act “after” the fact. Our experts will help you manage your risk by controlling and investigating any problems, defects or, for example, hazardous chemicals before placing them on the market. We reduce the risk that can contribute to the loss of brand reputation, as well as in extreme cases the health or even life of consumers.
TÜV SÜD Polska offers comprehensive solutions at every stage of business development:
Training – We support people andorganisations to enhanceperformance through a widerange of work safety, technical,management systems,executive training programmesand certified qualifications.
Auditing andsystem certification – We audit and certify managementsystems for virtually all industries,ensuring your value chain complieswith requirements for quality,performance and IT securityaccording to international, nationaland other relevant standards.
Inspection– We independently verify that,at every stage, your systems,processes and procedurescomply with the relevant codes,requirements, regulations andstandards.
Testing and product certification – Beyond testing for compliancewith directives, we issueTÜV SÜD certificationsbased on standards set accordingto internationally recognized benchmarks.
Expert services – We share the knowledge of our experts in many fields, ranging from quality and safety, through environmental impact assessment, legal requirements, to areas of process certification.
ul. Marszałkowska 115
00-102 Warszawa
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